Leading Corporations are Already Using Artificial Intelligence in HR
The largest companies have noticed the advantages of AI mechanisms in time and are starting to implement them en masse. Managers agree: the sooner the better.
Recently, Forbes described the use of AI in HR by leading brands such as Unilever . In the case of companies that recruit many employees almost non-stop, tools that protect employees’ sensitive data and ensure equal rights are useful.
This concerns personal data, as well as information regarding age, race, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic origin, etc. Tools such as MindPal ‘s Resume Generator work perfectly here, as it allows you to automatically hide selected data from recruiters. The generator does it automatically, with many resumes, which saves the recruiter time, as he usually performed such activities manually, e.g. using graphic programs, which was tedious and time-consuming.
In fact, one of the main advantages of Artificial Intelligence is the ability to process and analyze large amounts of data. Thanks to its self-learning and self-improvement capabilities, Artificial Intelligence also allows you to analyze feedback from employees and conduct effective communication with candidates.
It is also important to match candidates’ skills with the requirements of a specific job position. Recruiters admit that many people applying for a job are unable to effectively highlight their advantages. AI can help them with this. Not only in bringing to the fore the skills sought in the market, but also in verifying the facts.
This way both parties are satisfied. The probability of the position being filled by the right person increases.
AI mechanisms will allow you to limit the target group of candidates, eliminating people who do not meet the basic requirements. The next recruitment stage will select the best candidates worth interviewing. In the next one, it will certainly be possible to use Artificial Intelligence to conduct such a conversation virtually.
The only thing left for the HR specialist to do is make the right decision.